We study the problem of training diffusion models to sample from a distribution with a given unnormalized density or energy function. We benchmark several diffusion-structured inference methods, including simulation-based variational approaches and off-policy methods (continuous generative flow networks). Our results shed light on the relative advantages of existing algorithms while bringing into question some claims from past work. We also propose a novel exploration strategy for off-policy methods, based on local search in the target space with the use of a replay buffer, and show that it improves the quality of samples on a variety of target distributions. Our code for the sampling methods and benchmarks studied is made public at (link) as a base for future work on diffusion models for amortized inference.
@inproceedings{ sendera2024improved, title={Improved off-policy training of diffusion samplers}, author={Marcin Sendera and Minsu Kim and Sarthak Mittal and Pablo Lemos and Luca Scimeca and Jarrid Rector-Brooks and Alexandre Adam and Yoshua Bengio and Nikolay Malkin}, booktitle={The Thirty-eighth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems}, year={2024}, url={https://openreview.net/forum?id=vieIamY2Gi} }